Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I'm making rocket shaped lava lamps with ferrofluid inside.

I unveiled the first ever ferrofluid (magnetic liquid) lava lamp back in 2015. In 2017 finally got a patent for it. I've been selling ferrofluid lava lamps online for 3 years now. However, I want to come out with a new model shaped like a rocket ship. I thought the community over hear would appreciate this.

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Oh, my gosh!!

So awesome!

Those look great! Thanks for sharing them with us! So the ferrofluid moves up and down with heat, too? I did not know it would do that. 

Thanks! Yes, it absolutely does.

I seem to have a hard time conveying that to people for some reason. This is a lava lamp where the 'lava' is a magnetic liquid. I'm not sure how to be explain it better at this point. I'm 100% positive Lifespan Brands will either love or hate me for this one. I'm very confident in my IP, though, so it's really up to them if they want to be cool about it or not. I've stayed away from the shape of their lamp and the CEO (Clay Farnsworth) told me he is not interested in my innovations ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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