Hey fellow goo heads.
I have this screw cap 52 oz bottle that i've literally refurbished 6 times now but something always goes wrong. I have repeatedly attempted to recreate a blue wax with clear globe, and i've had two USA versions in the past but they were both non-flowing (wax all at the bottom, little "pea" sized balls). Makes me wonder if this color combo just had a poor run at one point and I happened to have two globes from that run. One of those two globes I attempted to refurbish but failed, and the other globes wax was too dark for my hopes. Now in my numerous attempts to recreate this globe, the wax always sticks (yes, the bottle is heavily coated with surf prior) and I am going to have to use kerosene or gasoline to clean this thing out. I've constantly failed to acquire that royal blue color that i'm dying to achieve, and used many types of blue candle wax colorings. I had good wax for a minute but the wax is now purple, which is not what I am looking for. This is my dream lamp and it just keeps failing. It totally bums me out, but maybe it's just my luck? :(
Does anyone want some dark purple/indigo Schylling goo, enough for a 52 oz?
So if anyone has a nice flowing blue/clear 52 oz USA globe available, I will pay good for it.
With the strain of no replacement goo from magma tower, i've literally been going to Spencer's and buying two 32 oz lamps, combining the fluids and wax from them into the 52 oz, then selling the leftover parts. I've had great luck using this method and recommend to anyone looking to replace goo for under $30-40. While this method can be efficient, it has its own problems; the flow only looks good on a 60 watt because that is what gets it moving. With a 40 watt there is not much action (one blob up, one down), but that's the usual for Chinese lamps. Another thing I must add.. the China wax STICKS SO EASILY AND SO BADLY all over the top of the globe. Which totally ruins the beautiful look of the screw cap style globe. It makes me so irrationally sad.
Another yet unrelated thing I needed to rant and seek answers for is, my globes tend to flow differently while on different bases. For example, my USA 03 globe flows great on a black midnight base but does not flow nearly as nice when on a silver streak base, even when the bulb used is the same. Does anyone else experience this with their lamps and/or know the reason for this?? I find it strange.
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