Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've got an older original lamp I picked up on ebay quite awhile ago.  When I turn it on it performs great for 40 minutes then the wax settles into a motionless slightly elevated glob on the bottom.  I'm running a standard 40 watt oven bulb.  Any ideas what is wrong?



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There's a chance it's overheating, given that it works great for a time and then stops.  You could try a dimmer, which would allow you to let the lamp reach its operational state, then you could adjust the dimmer accordingly to keep it there.  Here's a link for a good, inexpensive dimmer (I've bought several) :


Good luck!

I tried a dimmer once without success but will admit did not fully test the different levels.  I will try again.

If that doesn't work, try a 60 watt bulb and adjust with the dimmer.  I have one older lamp that won't run on a 40 but will on a 60.  But like Jus said overheating is more common.

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