Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi, all-- I recently bought a new lava lamp, 5200 series. After it warms up, it goes through 3 distinct phases. When the hot wax first breaks through, it shoots in a chimney to the top of the lamp, then cools in this stalagmite/stalactite formation . Then the cooled wax collapses to the bottom again. After more warming, it starts to flow up and down in large droplets--for a little while. Eventually the wax all collects in the bottom of the lamp and just "churns" in a ball. How can I get it to flow normally?

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Hi, Bohdan. My lamp is purple liquid with yellow lava. After I posted this today, I starting reading other similar posts and learned about the coil issues. I looked at my globe and saw that the wax was sitting above the coil in the bottom. Using some tips that I read here, I took the globe out of the base while it was hot, then gently rocked it back and forth to get the wax swirling around and through the coil until it completely encased the coil. Then I put the globe back in the base and let it warm up again. The lava flow action really got going after that and looks super now! I think that might have done the trick. I have the lamp at my office, so I'll be interested to see how it behaves when I fire it up again tomorrow morning.
I have a 52 oz red/clear with the same problem, as well as fog. Here is a pic. I did the side to side trick and it works for 5 minutes and back to softball. Did this every night, 2 or 3 times for a week. Its def a coil problem. The coil actually looks as if it is raised in one spot, like a bend.

I am dying to try a full repair to get the thing working or at least attempt to fix it. I have a bag of epsom salts and am ready to pop the lid, but I read about the coils being bad that even cleaning the coil might not help so you need to replace it. that's all fine, but where do I get a coil. I am a totally rookie so making one is out. I just want to pop the lid, pour the crap water out, pour out the wax, get the bottle clean, put the wax back in, with new coil, and then do the water and epsom challenge.

So, if someone could point where to get a coil, or could buy.make one for me I would be a happy lava freak! Vic
I am having the exact same problem with the purple/yellow 5200. This is my second one. Right now I am watching the large egg churn at the bottom. Also - the coil has a bend in it as well.
I am going to see if I can flip the coil...
I did the coil flip too. Doesn't help. It looks like the coil is warped or bent. I need new coils, but being in Canada, cant find sweet f all! Can some kind soul please help me/us out by directing us to a site where we can order online? I checked Lowe's online and they don't have the same ones that are pictured in Kris' Coil thread from a year ago. The ones they have look to be heavier gauge.
Cover the costs and I can ship you one or two. Up to you :)
I rueturned my second purple liquid / orange wax 5200 to Spencers. I thought I would give it one more try - so this time I got the blue liquid with green wax. Let me say this thing works excellently. The coil looks the same - there is a bend. It has the same manufature date - 12/09 the only diff is the liquid and wax color. My intuition is that it is the wax/solution that made the difference here and not the coil. I by no means am a technical expert on how these things work, but I would think there is a lot more that could go wrong with the ingredients of the liquid and wax than the coil. Maybe I am wrong here and would like to hear some discussion from the experts.
Anyways - I am really glad I got the blue/green one - I am watching right now and it is spectacular - constant motion
thanks for the info Bohdan

so logically, this would point to the liquid/wax material rather than the coil, no?

kind regards
FYI, I just recently got the same color combo from Spencer's and it's a dud. Actually, it's what led me to this forum. I was thinking maybe I was retarded because I couldn't get a lava lamp to work.
I got an new bottle the other day, and I do have the same problem. I have a mathmos astro.

is it a problem of production or can I do anything about it? I still have warranty.
I have the same problem. I bought a blue/green 5200 from Spencer's, and had to return it because it was not flowing. Now I have a yellow/purple one that does not flow. Looks like I'm going to have to return it again. Just like was said, the lava is sitting above the coil, not integrated with it.
It just took me 4 returns to get a working lamp from Spencers. Don't know if it will help, but the one that worked I actually dug out from way far back on the shelf. The box was really dirty. Maybe the most recent batch of them is even worse than older ones?

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