Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all I am new to posting on this site although I have been reading for quite some time now.

I am a Mathmos fan and after buying a couple of duf lamps from car boot sales started reading up and realised they could be fixed, I had a go with an old Jet that was not moving at all and very cloudy and with a salt solution managed to clear it slighty but got it moving nicely which satisfied me at the time.

I have now been bought a nice astro baby for my birthday from Ebay which seems to me to be overheating.

The lava is either solid or very runny, it moves slighty and now and then a bubble will get half way up the bottle and very often it will creep up the glass and get stuck to it.

Ive tried it with a 25w bulb with no joy.

Has anyone got any ideas? would the salt soloution do any good this time I dont want to ruin this one as it was from my hubby and is nice and clear.

thanks :)



*have attached photo now the salt has been added.

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OK I'm inpatient, I added a little salt and it's flowing great now but I do have all the little speckles floating about which im hoping will settle once its cold again. I'm pretty sure the lava is just about knackered so its better than throwing it out, even if it goes cloudy after a while at least its moving.
Thanks, I have managed to get most of it off by running it hot and whats left is not bothering me now and it seems to be flowing nicely at the moment.
It was just an ebay win so fingers crossed it holds out.

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