Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi, bought a lava grande with clear liquid and red goo about a year and a half ago, worked great for a few months, then it got cloudy and the goo now sits mostly on the bottom.  Little bubbles of goo come up but they seem to have air or water in them.  I've replaced the bulb with the recommended R20 100w but to no avail.

Any thoughts?


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Goo kit? Where can I pick that up, and what went wrong with my original goo?

Thanks George!
I'll check it out... thanks again George!
Lavalite has been notorious for bad lamps for the last several years. Unfortunately you have found this out the hard way. Like George said, the only way to fix this is to replace the wax and water in the globe. There is a company called Magma Tower that sells Gookits to make your own globe or replace the contents of an existing globe. You can find them here:


Although it has been a year and a half, you can try contacting lavalite and see if they will make good on their product. They have gone through some changes recently and are trying to correct their problems. We are hoping that the next few months sees them with a consistently good formula.
Thanks Keith!
Wow, looks perfect... do you still use the same light bulb?

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