Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I ordered a yellow/blue grande from walmart and it arrived today. Was excited to get it home but was nervous as to what to expect.

The bottle is absolutely positively crystal clear. I am letting it get to room temp tonight and will run it tomorrow or Friday night.

The pink/purple grande I got from walmart and picked up in store was also ultra clear (this one had a dented base which lava lamp replaced at no charge)

I had major issues with yellow/reds directly ordered from lava lamp that was shipped to a house but that was resolved after getting a two replacement bottles from them.

So in closing, all my walmart grandes thus far have been spot on bottle wise. I assume this is because they get large shipments via truck to their warehouses then put them on a truck to a store when it's ordered and picked up.

I cannot say this would be true if you order from walmart and have shipped to your home.

The key I think is to let them use their transit system to get it to the store where you pick it up in person.

If and I mean if I decide to complete my collection and get the purple yellow, of course I will order and pick up in store.

This is just my experience I can't promise if you order online and pick up in store your bottles will be ultra clear but I am two for two thus far.

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Nice purchase! I bought a purple/yellow from Walmart online on sale for about $60. I chose store pickup just to minimize the handling of the box. I opened it and it was in good condition. 1.5yrs later I gave it to my brother to try to get him interested in lava lamps.

Nice :)

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