Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all

I was talking to a rep of Planet Lava yesterday and he stated that Lava Light hired some chemists to work on the formula so the lamps will not cloud up in shipping. Have any of you all herd this. He did not know how long it would be before they came up with something to help.


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why dont the go back to the old formula that worked....everything hasta be new and improved
Very very good point. Well I would guess that the old formula would cost more money to make.

I would pay more for the old formula. The old formula rocks!

They should make some lavas with the original formula here in the U.S. for real collectors to buy and still make the China ones for people who don't know....that is if they don't want to give up the China lavas.

32oz Midnights and Silver Streaks used to sell for $30 to $40? depending on where you would go? I would pay that for good quality flow again.

You are so right. I would pay more for the original formula also.

Interesting. Maybe they should bring it back to the USA and there wouldn't be a shipping problem now would there?

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