Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I recently bought a mathmos lava lamp from eBay, it seemed packaged well and no obvious problems. After a few days I noticed the wax seems to heat up the same each time and forms a channel along one side of the glass and has now left a smear/sediment against one side of the glass which doesn't go away.

Any suggestions as how to repair the lamp?

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The method I would suggest is to clean the globe - the way this is done is first empty the fluid into a container and keep this safe, then put the globe back on to the base so the wax melts. - When this is melted tip this into a container and keep this safe its also a idea to take the spring out.

To clean the globe just use boiling water and washing up liquid and give it a good swirl around - this will melt all the remaining wax and hopefully clean the smear on the globe.

If the globe is not completely clean you will need some degreaseing fluid or petrol can work and just leave it in there for a fue days and it should sort it out - rinse it out complealty if you do this though.

To stop the wax sticking wash it out with water washing up liquid and then empty it out with little or no rinsing - this should coat the glass and stop the wax sticking.

To fill the globe melt the wax (don't use a microwave) and carefully pour it into the globe (with the spring in first) (it may be a idea to use a bit of pipe) and then when its completely set pore the water back in and put the cap back on.

Hope this works


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