Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My husband Brian love love loved the base that I had Mandy custom make for him. He has decided that he wants a clear/black globe to go in it. Nothing fancy, just a 32 oz clear/black. If anyone has one that they want to sell, whole lamp or just globe, please, please, please let me know!! Not a lot of cash left over after Christmas, but can come up with a reasonable amount! Let me know! I would prefer not to have to try and make my own at this point, and I'm finding few and far between on the black/clear on ebay. I'll post pictures tomorrow as I'm going to bed real soon.>>

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Here's some pictures....forgot how to add an album....

I have an orange/white globe if you are interested. Would be nice for halloween. Just an FYI. Good luck on your search though :)

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