Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Actually i am searching for more lava/glitter lamps to enlarge my collection. Preferably Mathmos and Lava Lite, but the asian ones and all other lava lamps will do as well. And, if possible, with german plugs. I hope, you can make fair prices for my little pocket :)

Fluffy doe greets


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Rebecca - have you befriended all the Germans on the site?  You may want to try connecting with them to see if any of them may have some lamps they are looking to move.  Just select the "GooHeads" tab, select advanced search and indicate those living in Germany.  Appears we have 29 Germans on the site.

Rebecca, I hate it that your thread got temporarily diverted!

But yes, like Jim said, there are some AMAZING lamps owned by Germans on this site...including some that I wanted to buy, but couldn't afford the shipping. That would be no trouble for you! So sometimes it works both ways...

Thank you for your helping words and ideas. You are awesome <3

Hey Mods, now that the name-calling post is gone the reply comments look like they are addressing the original post.  Maybe deleting those comments would be in order?

Done :)


found any glitter yet? i have some spare purple with silver flakes

greets :)

so sorry for my delayed reply! i thought i was beeing emailed when i receive answers

all i have left are baby astro bottles with holographic glitter

regards :)

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