Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey everyone I'm new to this website but I would like to inform everyone I am looking for a Blue Lava/Blue Liquid Mathmos Astro Lava Lamp OR a Red Lava/Blue Liquid but the double blue is my favorite. I've never owned a Mathmos before but have recently learned how incredible they are in terms of quality so if anyone is willing to sell please let me know.

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Try eBay.
So far no luck but I'm going to keep trying.
Hello yes yes I've learned the joy of mathmos as well !!! I now have a many fluidium being my fav. I don't have a blue /red astro, but do have a blue /red jet if u are interested.

That might sound interesting, how tall is it? Any pictures as well?

I found some Mathmos lamps on Amazon.co.uk. There's a red lava/yellow liquid I might buy but thats one of the few websites that will ship Mathmos to Canada.
Metallica man said:

Hello yes yes I've learned the joy of mathmos as well !!! I now have a many fluidium being my fav. I don't have a blue /red astro, but do have a blue /red jet if u are interested.

Correction on that last comment, Amazon.co.uk doesn't ship to Canada, just found out :(

Blue/Blue Brendan said:

That might sound interesting, how tall is it? Any pictures as well?

I found some Mathmos lamps on Amazon.co.uk. There's a red lava/yellow liquid I might buy but thats one of the few websites that will ship Mathmos to Canada.
Metallica man said:

Hello yes yes I've learned the joy of mathmos as well !!! I now have a many fluidium being my fav. I don't have a blue /red astro, but do have a blue /red jet if u are interested.

Blue/blue is a discontinued colour and rair in a astro - they do come up on ebay, the astrobaby version of it is more common.

You are right but another issue is many of these sellers are from the UK and most won't ship to North America. I'm not sure why.
Tim Gill said:

Blue/blue is a discontinued colour and rair in a astro - they do come up on ebay, the astrobaby version of it is more common.

I am not to sure about that as well, they may just not see the point or know that there are people in the US who are intrested

you could PM the sellers and ask if they could post to the US.

I saw a lovely boxed blue/blue Mathmos Astro at a car boot sale a few years back but they were asking £25 for it. I try not to spend more than £5 at those venues.

25 quid for a blue / blue is a bargin, I would have brought it for that and sold it on Ebay to get about 40-50 for it.

Admititly I too wouldent want to spend more then a fiver at carboots so would try to negotate the price down.

Thats a good point, I emailed Mathmos US to see when their going to carry the Astro version and the color changing lamps in.

Yes I have me a smart astro on its way soon!

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