Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

just a question, ive been wanting to try my luck at making my own lava lamp.
and i was just wondering if the "poor mans lava lamp" formula on the lava cave actually works.
opinions would be much appreciated.

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Try this link for some older lava formulas http://www.oozinggoo.com/howto.html
Just to let you know "lava cave" is a bunch of disenchanted members from here so no one will answer questions about the "cave", the 2 sites are like enemies.

Success with the homemade formulas are hit and miss with alot of trial and error. Good luck and keep us posted.

okay, awesome. thanks for the info.

i will keep you posted.

ive been told that the mineral oil used for the "lava" is kerosene. is that true, or am i wrong?
Ohhhh, I'll defer to the much more senior members here, but kerosene sounds like a very very dangerous thing to get that hot.

Unless you work for the new Lava World, and are making the Molotov Grande model....

Kerosene was only used to thin the wax in older lamps, it does not replace the mineral oil in the poor mans lava lamp, 2 completely different subjects.

oooh, okay. i looked up mineral oil, and theres quite a variety of it. what would you recommend that i use?
(sorry for all the question, im a curious newbie :))
anyone at all? haha
alright, so far, my mission goes as follows:
ive come across a 20 oz bottle, and 70% alcohol
i think 90% alcohol is pretty much impossible to find in this city haha
the closest i can find is 99%. would that still work?
Shoot for the highest % alcohol you can find, the rest is just water. I never seen 99% just the 70% and 91%, start as pure as you can.

awesome :) now, would i still need to mix the 70% with the 99%? or just use straight 99%?

the next part of my mission is to find the oil. i saw glycerin (or something like that, i cant remember exactly what it was called), baby oil, and olive oil in the pharmacy. im not sure which one i should get o.o
i'm kinda leaning toward the glycerin. that sounds like what i should use. but i may be wrong.
awesome :) thanks for the tips. i still need to find springs and such, before i can start making one.
cool, i never thought of that. ive just been browsing hardware stores looking for a bag of springs.
I also may need to make a base. the bottle im going to be using is a little smaller than a regular globe. and i think it sits almost directly on the bulb. i imagine that cant be good
cool, i might give that a go as well. they look awesome

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