Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I just stumbled across a classified ad praising a "Mathmos Lavalamp Chrome Star Wars Fighter"  for 200 Euros.

Custom made or super special Mathmos item??? Never seen something like this before...

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Looks like their mirrored globe converted to glitter

it's sold by Oliver isnt it....100% diy glitter, just imagine what the official licence would cost...there is a genuine star trek jet though but thats just a star trek print on a black jet, not that spectacular. This bottle has a very nice shade of red though!

I had one of these star wars Tie fighter China-made glitter lamps, 
It was originally distributed in the UK, then eventually in the USA @120V
Tie figfhter glitter and fluid look identical

Arne said:

it's sold by Oliver isnt it....100% diy glitter, just imagine what the official licence would cost...there is a genuine star trek jet though but thats just a star trek print on a black jet, not that spectacular. This bottle has a very nice shade of red though!

@Arne: Literski from Wiesbaden? Hat paar Lavasachen im Angebot bei Ebay Kleinanzeigen.

@ Claude J: So its another custom refill, thanks for the information!

and well, the Chinese never ever payed any licence fees to Disney, I'm afraid...

I'd wager it IS indeed just like the many white/clear Mathmos that flooded eBay UK after it became clear that white was the rare color. Someone made this. It IS, however, cool-looking!

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