Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I am selling a Mathmos Lunar that is in very good condition.

It has no dents or major scratches.

If you look hard enough you can find some faint little scratches here and there but nothing major.

The worst is a small scratch/mark that appears on one side of the Lunar cone. ( see image )

The Mathmos Lunar is made of highly polished aluminum that has a shiny luster and almost a mirror like finish.

This Lunar has it's original UK wiring and 3 prong plug so you will need to use a power converter to run it in the USA unless you want to get it rewired.

The Lunar comes with one extra brand new 240V 100 Watt bulb.

Buyer gets to select 1 of 3 available Lunar bottles - 

Clear/Purple -  Custom Lunar lava bottle made by Mathmos back when they still made custom bottles upon request.

Violet/Red -  Violet liquid has faded to almost clear.

Glitterbaby - Custom Lunar glitter bottle made by Mathmos.

Shiny slow flowing glitter - very elegant looking.

Price - $975.00 + $100.00 shipping charge

Paypal only.

I will ship the Lunar using UPS.

The package will be fully insured against loss or damage.

Online tracking information will be made available.

I would like to keep this Lunar in the USA, however I am willing to ship it to Canada if Canadian buyer agrees to pay larger shipping cost.

I have uploaded many pictures of the Lunar which can be viewed online here -  


Please contact me if you are interested or have any questions.

Thanks, James :)

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I have a smaller Samsung 4K and i love it

'picture quality is fantastic

I only wish the apps would act as a media player for the network server

Hi James,

I just had lunar lava lamp , i bought from Germany  but the light bulb broken , i saw your post the pics of  lightbulb her, could you tell me where i  go to buy it online, i live in San Francisco CA.

Thank you for your help


Hi Peter,

Congratulations on finding a Lunar!

The type of bulb it uses is a 100W R80 ES-E27 240V Reflector

These bulbs are getting much harder to find but they can still be purchased on Ebay-UK




It appears that Mathmos is selling Halogen replacement bulbs - 


I purchased many of these bulbs several years ago and they have been working well for me.

Good morning James,

Thank you for your help i plan in future i will  rewire it. because i live in CA USA f. U think should i do that or keep original?

Thank you


I have never rewired a UK lamp before.

I prefer to keep mine original and just use a voltage converter with them here in the USA.

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