Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has received their pre-order of a Mathmos Smart Astro yet. I ordered mine back in the middle of September and I've not received mine as yet. Hopefully they will be coming out soon, I paid for two as I ordered them.

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Thing is, everyones screens will show pictures both from the Mathmos site and my pictures differently. You really need to get the lamps in your own homes and try them for yourself before you place a heavy judgement on them :). For starters, my camera is terrible and is nearly eight years old and from what I've seen on my computer screen of my own photos, the lamps actually look much better in the flesh.
It is near impossible to judge them from my photos. I've posted them to share my excitement, pitty my photos didn't show them better. I think there are two LED's in the base (I could be wrong though, I didn't pay that much attention I was in a rush to get them going) They could be really, really beautiful if they were brighter, that's just my opinion though. I usually wouldn't run any of my lamps in the day, I always run them as it gets dark. I've set these up to test them. They will look much brighter in the dark.

They are quite something, you'll all have to pop round for coffee to see them lol.
yeah, thats why they work best in dark rooms. natural light passes through the wax showing its true colour, you need all or most of the light to be coming from below.
Surely thats to be expected as its not actually the wax which is changing colour?

I think tonight in the dark these will kick ass!
what numbers did u get? and did u do next day delievery?
Sorry I'm unable to take a video, don't have the technology. I will take more photos tonight when it is dark. The colour changing is beautiful it is a very smooth change, seamless colour changing as it were.
I haven't got mine yet, only got a email to say they have been posted out today!!!
Can you post a photo of the inside of the base?
Here are the pictures of the lamps in the dark. They don't seem to be bright enough to me, if they were brigher they would be just perfect.

One of the lamps is throwing up loads of little blobs the other is working more like it should.
Some more pictures
Look at this blue: My favourite colour of all of them, the lamps are both paused one on green and one on the blue.
Bohdan, I think you are right regards the lamp on the left, I think it is a softer lava, it heated up sooner as well. I'm going to swap the bottles on the bases tomorrow to check. They've been turned off as they should only be used for no more than six hours.

I did wonder if the lamp on the left was getting too hot as it felt much warmer to touch than the other lamp. I will find out tomorrow when I've swapped the bottles over.

I cannot help thinking that they need to be a bit brighter though, then they really would be perfect.
so what numbers did you get as in the limited number, i emailed mathmos and was told my order was within the first 100 online orders but held up due to shops ordering in bulk and wont be sent till monday

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