Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello, I got my green Mathmos Fludium today and already have two problems I need help with, please.

First off, it is a bit cloudy in there. Most likely from being shipped from London to my place in two days.

Should I let the wax settle for a day and then cycle it or cycle it for twelve hours immediately?

Wow, look at the size of this thing next to a 16 inch 52oz lamp?

I left it on while I did my jog/walk around the neighborhood. I came home to find the wax erupted. The wax is not illuminated. I am wondering what I should do?

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In terms of the dark wax, pretty sure this is just a characteristic of the lamp, the translucent base leaks a lot of light and has the effect of making the wax look rather dim in comparison, which is more noticeable in darker colours like green, I don't think the orange/yellow variants are quite as bad.

In terms of the cloudy liquid it certainly couldn't hurt to run it a few times and see if it clears up (I think 8 hours is the maximum recommended running time, I'm not sure it's advisable to exceed this) Otherwise some more invasive 'surgery' may be required - some people have had success clearing cloudy lamps by removing and filtering the fluid before returning it to the vase - some of the more 'hands on' members might be able to advise you on that...

Michael, cool lamp, I always wanted one but to pricey for me. Remember to check your tracking tomorrow evening. Hope you get the issue sorted so you can enjoy your lamp.

There is another green one on eBay right now for about $70

Green Fluidium I almost got this one.

The one I got instead came with the original box, packaging and everything:

My Fluidium Listing

I figured out the dimness is because the bulb is made for the UK’s 220 volts. So it only putting out about 20 Watts with the US’ 120 volts system. I am in the process of replacing the light socket without altering or damaging the original epipment. I cannot seem to get the new socket and bulb to stand up straight. It always leans to one side and makes contact with the plastic shaft. That is not the part of my Astro Lamp I want to melt. I think I need better washers, so I am off to Home Depot and Lowe’s again. 

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