Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

May Sell Some Giants and maybe an Atlantis Wave Machine!!!

I have several Giants I may sell. I need cash. I know these go for a lot of money and curious what people might be willing to pay for them. I have in many colors including Blue/White. Yes Giants and not Grande. although I also have several Blue/White Grandes as well but not as nice as we know.
The Atlantis wave machine is a tough one to let go but if the price is right it may be on it the way to the post office. I know one when for over $1000 Not long ago.
Both Lava Lamps and wave Machine are in great condition Have some original boxes and all used very little.

Thanks Guys and Gals!

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Nah. Located in Memphis, TN. Where Elvis is buried in his own backyard, like a hamster.
Double ditto? Its just too much for me!
Hey...he may get it and if so, more power to him.

I've been flabbergasted by what I've seen some icons and swirls go for....and these are the first giants Ive seen on Ebay since I got the bug four months ago.
I so see a giant wave machine box in the background of the pictures for the red gaint lamp !!!!!
I know of a giant that is ready to go for $250 but I am waiting for a better deal to walk by. You never know when it will happen but I am determined to get a giant for less than $200. One day that blue/yellow giant with a black base will be mine!!!
unless I see it first ;)
K so maby it wasn't a giant ( it's on eBay )

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