Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

was this series the only lamps with the black bases and caps?


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No, Giants, Centuries & Aristocrats were also black.
most of those are large lamps correct? I picked up a lamp with no box that is 32oz size. it is black. I got a midnight lamp in box and it has a plastic top and the other has what looks like black aluminium. the midnight has the date stamped on the bottom. did all midnights have the date stamped.

Yes, the others are larger lamps. Plastic tops were common with Midnights, the aluminum one is probably a custom paint, to replace a broken or lost cap. I believe that all midnights were stamped on the bottom.
Do both of the bottle caps say "LavaLite" on them ? The top caps were made out of both plastic and aluminum in the Midnight series, plastic was common aluminum was less common. I also have a Silver Streak with a plastic cap painted silver, it was a Princess cap they had painted.

Some of the lamps are stamped on the bottom but not all of them, the numbers on the bottle caps will tell you when they were made, post them here and we can help you. Also if you look on the bottom of the bottle you can see a 2 digit year when the bottle was made.
Yeah, 32 oz. were Midnight, Starship, Wizard; 52 were Midnight Century, Midnight Aristocrat; and of course the Giant Lava. And yeah, I too have found black aluminum caps, but they're rare. I think every one probably had exceptions, but generally: black, gold, white and colored caps were plastic, and silver, metallic-color (Wizard red or blue) and Elec-Trick early (UV-responsive) were metal.

I THINK all Midnight had an ink stamp, but if it says "Lava" or "Lava Lite" on the cap top, it's genuine US-made.

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