Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi, gang! Anyone here have a Mediterranean lamp? I recently purchased one and I need some help to get it going properly. I'd like to know if there is supposed to be some kind of band or ring around the bottom of the globe to help balance it in the base. My globe has nothing on it and is very wobbly and will tilt badly if I don't keep a thick rubber band around it. What kind of 15 watt bulb does it take? I have a 15 watt appliance in it now but the lava won't flow well at all even after 6-7-8 hours. Is it a 15 watt floodlight bulb? A 25 watt gets it going for a while and then the lava flows too slow if it flows at all after a few hours. Time to change the oil and lava, maybe? The lava looks good but the oil is quite cloudy. Can it clear up?

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Hey there 'baby, thanks for your reply. I agree that the little Med's are wonderful lamps. I really like them. I think Joe Mannix from the TV show "Mannix" would have had one on his desk if the studio had thought of it. My base does look perfectly circular. I don't see any distortion but the bulb seems a bit too tall(?) and it hits the bottom of the globe so the globe appears to teeter-totter on the top of the bulb. I'll need some lessons on filtering the masterfluid before I try working on it. I'm not sure what to do and I might make a dreadful mess. Cheers, 'baby!!
'baby, I just went thru your photos...awesome and really cool to see. Check out your Happy Christmas photo. How the heck is that globe not falling out ot its base the way that guy is holding it at that angle!! I wonder if he still has that lamp today...
Hi bohdan, How are you? I do have the inner reflector and thank you VERY much for the tip on the 2.1/2" ring. I'll give one a try. Like I told astobaby, my globe hits the top of the bulb and teeter-totters so it can't stand straight. Maybe this extra height is just what I need plus the extra heat might help my new 15 watt bulb work better for the lava. I don't like using this 25 watt I've got in it now or else it won't flow. I'll try a few local hardware shops for the ring before I head out to Home Depot since it's an 80 mile round trip from my end of the island to where Home Depot is. How the heck did you get your Med's oil so clean and clear? You did an beautiful job and the original lava looks great!! My compliments on that pretty gem. Thanks again and take care!! Yuri

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