Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

When I turn my lava lamp on, it dont move into large globs like it use too..all it does is  climb to the top of the lamp and stays that way..kinda looks like candle wax formation but doesnt soften up??? Any ideas whats up with this? Do I need to replace my light? maybe not getting hot enough? Please help!  Thanks for any info..

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What type of lamp is it? got pictures?
Hi.. I have vintage rocketship 32 ounce. If you need a picture let me know I can get one. I was wonderrng if room temp makes a differance? This lamp is in a small bedroom and we have the ac running alot to keep the room cool while the lamp is on.. I have noticed this happening after we bought the ac.. Any thoughts on that? Thanks for your info
The 32 oz. rocket takes a 40 watt bulb so make sure that's whats in there. Also a cold room will definitely effect the flow so maybe try moving it to another room in the house or away from the vents and see if that helps. It doesn't sound like the globe is bad just too cold.
Hi.. I do use a 40 watt bulb. I was thinkin the ac what was probably causing this issue,only because the lamp worked fine before we bought the ac. What is the ideal temp to have for it to work ? 78 degrees? THanks for the info
Not exactly sure what the ideal outside temp should be honestly. I have a lamp that sits next to the ac vent and when its on, it doesn't flow so anything above 80 degrees I think would be ideal.

Thanks Dr... Ill be wanting to see you again here for my answers to my goo questions☺ Have a nice day! Thanks alot!

No problem Susan and you have a good day as well! :)



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