Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I thought I'd start a post on neat / rare eBay lava and glitter sales. Sometimes it's nice to remember the sale of a really cool or hardly-seen item.

Please only post completed/closed eBay auctions - please don't post any open sales!

I'll start off with the Princess wall model lava that sold tonight. Anyone here get this? :)

If you post to this thread with a completed auction, please try to include a screen shot, not a link. After so many months eBay removes auctions and for historical purposes, it'd be nice to see what sold.

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This o**l seems to have a bit more money than sense

He's a member here Gwen, and a very nice one at that. If he weren't so nice, we'd go steal his lamps. :)

It's o***c I can't pin down. 

Gwen Williams said:

This o**l seems to have a bit more money than sense

ok, my mistake, Sorry o**l, I had you mistaken for o**c

LOL ;) 

We have to find out who this two people are and cut off their bank roll.

Might only appeal to the players amongst us, but a player I certainly am <collar pop>.

Guess who won this? ;)

Congrats Alex! Damn good buy!  Keep the boxes! LOL

I definetly will. Teal/Clear is hard to find right?

DooDad said:

Congrats Alex! Damn good buy!  Keep the boxes! LOL

Did anybody see this...and read the item description?? LOL!!


" I believe that you are very worth having the green motion dancing wave, it can bring you a lot of happiness! Rest assured, get your money back if you are not satisfied with this.
Swing back and forth the green dancing wave motion, the dolphin glides freely on the iceberg,enjoying the fresh cold air and being excited by the ice water surf .Sure, you'll like this vibrant dancing wave motion.
       It is made of Acryl and the water waves are a deep beautiful,located in black base make it swings, have a switch and plug to use with it and on the back you turn it off and on.This is your opportunity to own a rare piece of visual art.The newly designed Green Wave motion machine combines the relaxing sights and quiet sounds. please sit back, relax and let the eternal flow of the vibrant waves wash you into a state of tranquility."

That is some sweet Engrish!

Mark Hand said:

Did anybody see this...and read the item description?? LOL!!


" I believe that you are very worth having the green motion dancing wave, it can bring you a lot of happiness! Rest assured, get your money back if you are not satisfied with this.
Swing back and forth the green dancing wave motion, the dolphin glides freely on the iceberg,enjoying the fresh cold air and being excited by the ice water surf .Sure, you'll like this vibrant dancing wave motion.
       It is made of Acryl and the water waves are a deep beautiful,located in black base make it swings, have a switch and plug to use with it and on the back you turn it off and on.This is your opportunity to own a rare piece of visual art.The newly designed Green Wave motion machine combines the relaxing sights and quiet sounds. please sit back, relax and let the eternal flow of the vibrant waves wash you into a state of tranquility."


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