Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I thought I'd start a post on neat / rare eBay lava and glitter sales. Sometimes it's nice to remember the sale of a really cool or hardly-seen item.

Please only post completed/closed eBay auctions - please don't post any open sales!

I'll start off with the Princess wall model lava that sold tonight. Anyone here get this? :)

If you post to this thread with a completed auction, please try to include a screen shot, not a link. After so many months eBay removes auctions and for historical purposes, it'd be nice to see what sold.

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sorry Jonas I don't have a closer shot but I remember the seller put a video on youtube or dailymotion. 

Hahahaha!  I might have to use that.

Erin said:

please sit back, relax and let the eternal flow of the vibrant waves wash you into a state of tranquility.

Mark Hand said:


Do you know the title of the video?

could not find it

the liquid was spit by the dear in the center or the bubble on the inside of it, a very nice example...

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Do you know the title of the video?

Does anyone know what this lamp is?  Is it 60's 70's / or vintage? Is it a lava lamp base?



I think its just a table lamp or a floor lamp, nothing lava lamp related.

Thanks Doc. Wasn't too sure.

Dr. WHAT?! said:

I think its just a table lamp or a floor lamp, nothing lava lamp related.

Alpha, that's what's generically called a TV lamp - something you put on top of your TV for some soft, indirect illumination. But it'd look pretty cool with a Century globe on it, no?

Agreed, would it accommodate one? I guess so. Looks pretty vintage and would suit an old Century.

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Alpha, that's what's generically called a TV lamp - something you put on top of your TV for some soft, indirect illumination. But it'd look pretty cool with a Century globe on it, no?

Hi, does anybody know the name of this crestworth model, and what is it on top? Thank you


Steppo- that looks like a light socket to me

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