Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Need help from the pros. Lava Lamp not working right.

Ok so I have a U.S.A made Lava Lite (or at least that's what I can gather from the cap) and im having some issues with it. It sat in my brother's window idle for like 3 years. The cord switch was no good so I swapped out the cord with another lava lamp cord that was beyond repair. I put a 40 Watt refrigerator bulb in it and ran it for like 6 hours. It obviously didn't do what it should've because it sat for so long. I let it cool overnight and ran it through its second cycle today. It did much better but I'm still having some issues. It really wants to flow but it can't do it really good. I keep getting a clump that wants to float at the top and it its not flowing too good. I got a video of it because I'm garbage at explaining it. http://youtu.be/sBIKJc_FiJw
What should I do? Should I keep running it through cycles or should I open it up and melt the wax together? Btw I know it would be difficult to tell from the video but what kind of lamp is it? The cap has the number 930804 or 930801 (Its kinda faded) and under it there's another set of numbers that read 0809. Next to that is a big number 13 which I'm assuming is the number of OZ. The cap says made in U.S.A. so I don't know if its super old and rare or if its a dime a dozen.

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Wow guys. It's fascinating to know how old this thing is. I'm only 18 so this things got a few year's on me lol. I let it run all night and it seems to be doing better than it was. I'll keep running it through cycles and maybe it'll fix itself. I guess it could take months according to people on here. Thank you guys.

It looks a little cold to me.  Make sure it isn't under a fan or vent.  If the air temp is below 70 that can effect flow also or take longer for the lamp to warm up.  The recommended run time for lava lamps is about 6 to 8 hours to prevent overheating.

That is a great color and it should be a great lamp for a long time!

another consideration: is the bulb frosted or clear?  clear bulbs tend to run hotter, so perhaps try a clear bulb if you're using a frosted one.

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