Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Need pics of a vintage 52 oz. globe with the cap removed

Hi All!


I was wondering if anybody has a pic of what a 52 oz vintage globe looks like with the cap removed.  I'm considering buying a cloudy one and doing a reload.  Is there a rubber seal like the 32 oz types?  Is it difficult to remove without breaking the cap or globe?

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Are you talking about a screwcap or a bottle cap? If it's a screwcap, then look at my blog post, there's pics of it eremoved, and yes, a rubber seal inside the cap. http://oozinggoo.ning.com/profiles/blogs/creating-a-metallic-lava-lamp
Thanks VixenGypsy. Yes, I was referring to a screw cap. Do you know if the older gold caps are any more or less difficult to remove than the one you removed on the Camel lamp? Are the seals identical?
Yep, pretty much. Don't be surprised if the seal is shot, though. Some formulas can eat away the seal.

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