Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I never thought I would find one of these locally but I guess I was wrong. I knew it was cloudy before buying it but didn't pay that much so I felt it was worth it.

See attached photos.

I was surprised to see the box marked with 2004 date. The box even shows a photo of a grande glitter model that I did not know they ever made. Would love to find one of those. Has anyone see one in person that was original and not converted?

The box also has a photo of lava lamp table lamp, lava outdoor, cordless rainbow phasing light.

So the question is, what to do with this? No matter what it is it's going to cost me so I will have to put other smaller lava based projects on hold.

Remember I live in an apartment so whatever I do needs to be manageable. Thoughts? Glitter conversion? I will run it for a few nights starting tomorrow to see if it clear ups but we all know the odds are slim to none considering it's age.

If glitter conversion I see no option other than kirk. There is no way I'm filling this with 5 below bottles hahahaha.

Did I bite off my than I can chew here? Should I be nevervous rofl!

I would love to keep this a lava lamp but honestly have no clue where to start and what to do and am I even capable of making it clear again?

Where do I start, I thought I saw a thread somewhere about converting a grande with kirks glitter.

Just turned it on and the fluid looks cloudy WHITE and the lava looks red, of course in cold state. there also seems to be a haze on the inside of the glass apart from the cloudy fluid. There also appears to be MOLD mark around the entire bottle at the same height from the bottom. It looks like a small CREASE in the glass full round. Not to noticeable from a distance. The bottle also looks poorly molded on bottom where some parts look thicker than others. Is this something to be concerned about? Will this bottom be a concern for breakage?

Can we assume this lamp has in fact be used before?

Some odd marks on the inside of the globe like it was rested on it's side but all lava is down at the bottom. If you need photos let me know.



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Look at these photos after I turned it on a little bit ago, the lava is slowing warming up. What a mess ugh


The lava now appears to be smoking (only way I can put it) on the inside of the bottle. Never saw this reaction before.

Does this lamp need to go the grande ER lol but not lol at the same time.

More photos of WWIII interior


Definitely a haze film on the inside of the globe.  The "clear" patch looks like maybe an air pocket was there while the globe was stored on it's side.  Quite cloudy and I wouldn't expect it to clear myself, personal experience.  But do run it for several runs to determine if the wax flows right.  If the actual flow of the wax looks good you may consider fixing it.  If it flows poorly it may still be fixed but that could be problematic but not necessarily so. 

Got a pic of the cap with the code?  I'm thinking the copyright date doesn't necessarily reflect the manufacture date.  I think they used this same box graphics for several years.

Read the following for an option you may try with this globe, mine may have been it's twin;


See attached photo. Also, the bottle has TONS of tiny bubbles and some larger air bubbles. For glitter no big deal I guess.

I so want to make this something great but I guess we will see one step at a tim.

Wow the bottle is now twice as cloudy since it's been on for about 2 hours, you practically can't see anything other than a red color at the bottom.


So, the lamp has clouded up after 3 hours so bad that only a small red glow can be seen if you look hard enough. The interior surface of the bottle is horribly residued SO, I see no other option than to empty the entire bottle and save for a Kirk glitter kit.

Gonna use it a few more nights to see what happens.

Keith, i will read that thread in detail, however, the horribly residued interior surfaces would mean I assume I complete cleaning of the bottle, and at that point if the lava needs to come out, I would probably not reuse it as it does that SMOKING thing (not sure what term to use).

Any comment on the cap photo, anything interesting?

I would read the "040722" as 2004, July 22.  "6821" 68 for a Grande globe, maybe specifically a lava grande; 21 for color code, maybe purple fluid/red wax.  I say maybe because china cap codes aren't always consistent.  Also the red may be a little on the pink side.

Actually you can clean the globe with the wax in place.  The hazy residue will probably wipe off easily while the stuck wax patches will need brushed and cleaned with soapy water.  you can rinse a lot of the "smoking" cloudy stuff out with plain tap water or distilled if you prefer.  some of the wax may rinse away also if the water is too hot.  The globe I worked on in my post had the smoking wax also.  I think the consensus thought here is that it is from the tiny bits that clouded the globe previously.  In other words the extremely clouded globe had settled but the stuff was stirred up when heated, rinsing like a cloud of smoke from the thermal currents.

Either way the globe will have to be cleaned.  If you convert to glitter it will have to be cleaned more thoroughly than for lava.

You know, I was wondering yesterday, "What might kero48 have found over the weekend?" lol

You might also find this handy.  Click "view full size" for full resolution:


Keith: Since funds are tight and I don't exactly have a lot of work space, I would rather not do and then do again, etc if the lamp reclouds which chances are it would. The globe itself also has lots of incursions as Claude would say lol.

So as I see it, there are three obvious options:

#1 Get a glitter kit from kirk $135.00 (this assumes with some extra effort I can get the globe crystal clean). I assume the haze would be gone with a comprehensive cleaning.

#2 Get a goo kit $85 with shipping (again, assuming same above). I would break my goo kit cherry (hope that is not offensive to anyone) and would hope I would not spazz it up somehow

#3 Clean the globe, put the unit away for a rainy day and order a new grande from spencers online. $99.00 minus $25% coupon, free shipping and minus about $50 in store credit I have. This would put a new grande around $25.00 delivered. Based on recents reviews, if you receive a cloudy one they ship you a new clear bottle. Reviews have seemed pretty good for the new grandes.

By the way I did read your entire post and I could go that route but the heavy residue on the sides of the globe concern me with regards to just how clean it would be if I left wax in while cleaning. Plus I don't know if I can find those chemicals locally. In addition, the wax does work but based on last nights test, it seems like the wax has seen better days. Not very active in it's motion.

It's flea market season in my area so finds do sometimes happen each weekend but I have to make a decision on where funds will go, fixing the grande I got, buying a new one or looking for us stuff to tamper and play with.

Personally, I would love to get a grande under my belt to be honest as my living room is begging for one.

The only question is what route to go and honestly I don't know, need some honest opinions based on cost, space I have to work with in my apartment and cost vs gain, etc.

Totally understand.  Funds, workspace, display space, spouse appeasement!  It all adds to choices and you have to make your own.  No one can say whether lava or glitter would be better for you.  But I will just say this, $25 for a Grande lava lamp?  New and guaranteed?


kero48 said:

Keith: Since funds are tight and I don't exactly have a lot of work space, I would rather not do and then do again, etc if the lamp reclouds which chances are it would. The globe itself also has lots of incursions as Claude would say lol.

So as I see it, there are three obvious options:

#1 Get a glitter kit from kirk $135.00 (this assumes with some extra effort I can get the globe crystal clean). I assume the haze would be gone with a comprehensive cleaning.

#2 Get a goo kit $85 with shipping (again, assuming same above). I would break my goo kit cherry (hope that is not offensive to anyone) and would hope I would not spazz it up somehow

#3 Clean the globe, put the unit away for a rainy day and order a new grande from spencers online. $99.00 minus $25% coupon, free shipping and minus about $50 in store credit I have. This would put a new grande around $25.00 delivered. Based on recents reviews, if you receive a cloudy one they ship you a new clear bottle. Reviews have seemed pretty good for the new grandes.

By the way I did read your entire post and I could go that route but the heavy residue on the sides of the globe concern me with regards to just how clean it would be if I left wax in while cleaning. Plus I don't know if I can find those chemicals locally. In addition, the wax does work but based on last nights test, it seems like the wax has seen better days. Not very active in it's motion.

It's flea market season in my area so finds do sometimes happen each weekend but I have to make a decision on where funds will go, fixing the grande I got, buying a new one or looking for us stuff to tamper and play with.

Personally, I would love to get a grande under my belt to be honest as my living room is begging for one.

The only question is what route to go and honestly I don't know, need some honest opinions based on cost, space I have to work with in my apartment and cost vs gain, etc.

Keith, yep, decisions decisions, I am doing something I rarely do and thinking on it instead of being impulsive but seriously for this lamp that needs restoring,

I can see a really nice glitter conversion via the Kirk route. I am blown away by some of the glitter grandes, even more so than the lava versions, whether original OR converted. The goo kits conversion photos and videos do look great though.

I think this weekend is the time to clean and empty the globe, what's the sense of leaving it all messed up?

But I will just say this, $25 for a Grande lava lamp?  New and guaranteed? I assume what you mean is hell yes, for $25, why not. By Guaranteed I assume you mean if cloudy will get a replacement? I am only really curious on oozing goo what people think of the new grandes as the many reviews you read on many sites that sell them are good, but good agains't what? What's the criteria people base good on other than "the fluid is clear"

I turned on the grande again tonight and honestly it makes me sad if that makes sense like it's crying out to be made nice again.

Spencers website has the following below, not sure which looks better, any thoughts?

Lava Lamp - 27 Inch Purple Liquid Yellow Wax

Lava Lamp - 27 Inch Blue Liquid Yellow Wax

I'm prejudiced against the blue/yellow because mine is kinda rough (weird manufacturing smudges that won't come off, very dark fluid) although it does flow good.

I would love to have a purple/yellow.  I planned on getting on with my tax refund but other things took precedence.

By guarantee I do mean getting a replacement of a cloudy globe.  But I also mean that if you are not satisfied with the quality of the lamp for any reason you can contact Lava Lamp and they will replace it at no cost to you.  Just keep your receipt.  I don't remember if it's a 30 day or a 90 day guarantee.  This applies to all of their lamps.

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