Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all. I just picked up an EX micro filter and proceeded to filter out a vintage century lamp and thought it looked great when I was done. I placed the globe back on the light and went  to sleep dreaming of flowing lava. When I got back to it this morning the lava was sticking to the sides and not moving. Did I mess it up? Am I missing something? I am just super bummed out now. Anyone have any ideas for me? Thanks for listening and I hope I get some good feedback. Thanks again.

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Black on black text is impossible to read.

Did you rinse the filter PRIOR to filtering your lamp? If you did, that probably contaminated the fluid and threw it out of whack.
I pulled the filter right out of the box and started filtering. Was I supposed to rinse the filter before? I have another globe that is slightly cloudy but am hesitant to try after this.
i dont know why the text is black on black.
If you did not rinse, I am not sure what the issue might be honestly. Sometimes lamps just quit working after being filtered. I guess they can't work when clean. Lol. Another issue when filtering is making sure the filter is VOID of any previous fluid otherwise it will leech that fluid into your current lamp and cause it to stop flowing.

Lava lamps have a balance, once upset - it's next to impossible to fix them.
Thanks for all of the input Kris. i have another globe and might just swap the liquid and see how it does. if the lava sticks then i will know it's done.
Bohdan, i will go though all of the steps that you listed. i hope my other filtering projects works better. Thanks again.
do you guys think the liquid is still good? Some of my other lamps could use a bit more fluid.
I am new at all this but have a couple of milky lamps....how /where do I get one of these filters?
i went on ebay and looked for the MSR MiniWorks EX Water Filter Pump. it was about $80.
just what i wanted to hear. thank you. sure wish that bullet of yours was less than $400.
have you used propylene glycol? i have some but it's mixed 50/50. do you think if i added the solution it would be okay? The vintage liquid has a yellow brown tint and i have a clear globe that could use a bit more fluid and didnt want to use the old stuff. or should i go to goodwill and find a cheap nockoff and drain that fluid? Thanks for all the feedback.
So I tried an unfiltered liquid on the first globe and the wax is toast. So do I try the liquid that I filtered on a different globe with wax to see if the fluid is good?

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