Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I am attaching photos of 3 lamps that I have with switches on the bases.


The first one is called "Astro" Phantom Lite.  It has an on/off switch on the cord and a dimmer switch on the front.  The electrical cord comes out of the side.


The second one is marked on the bottom and says DG Lockwood V/TA/L53.  It has an on/off push button on the front.  In the photo you will see I am holding it on because it is broken and falls off.


The third one is marked on the bottom and says ACADEMY. It has an on/off push button on the front and looks A LOT like an early American lava.


I have never seen another example of any of them.  I'm assuming Jonas is going to know all about them.  If not, can anybody else help me identifying them?



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Would you be interested in selling one pl? I am UK

Sethro said:

I have 2 of these without boxes and papers.  I have tried to figure out how to get the top off as both are cloudy.  Does anyone know if these are glued on tops or screwed on?  I have tried gently but I don't want to break or bend the metal cap (copper cone).  Thanks.

No. I want them for my kids rooms.  But thanks.

Thank you!

Simon Lloyd said:

The metal lid will be glues to the plastic bottle lid. The whole thing will be screwed onto the bottle. Using the heat from a hairdryer followed by a firm unscrewing motion should work.

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