Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi Everyone.


I'm new to the forum (and collecting) and was just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction.

I recently bought a Crestworth Astro and it's very cloudy. The wax is dark orange and the water is a pale orange colour. (probably more due to the cloudiness than the original colour).

The wax seems to flow beautifully when it's on, but it's hard to see as the liquid is so far gone.


Anyway, I'd just like some advice. I don't mind attempting to change/filter the liquid but is this possible? If I use liquid from a current Astro would that still work ok with the wax?

If I don't have any luck with that then will a current sized Astro bottle fit? The top seems to be glued on so obviously that will pose problems to start with.


Sorry to ask so many questions but this is a beautiful lamp and I'd love to restore it to former glory if possible. I haven't any pics at the moment but will add some if I can.

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hey there Nicola

wish i could advise but i'm thinking the crestworth astros used a different formula to the new ones so maybe swapping the fluid would affect the flow.

Not having any myself i'm not a good source of information i'm afraid. People do pump globe fluid to get them clear but i have heard doing so can damage the astro fluid. plus the filters are like proper expensive so maybe swapping the globe would be your best bet. i think they will fit but best to ask Crestworth Limited for advice on that one.


Thanks. I'll try and get some pictures up tomorrow but you're probably right and it's not long for the world. Shame really as it flows so well. I think replacing with a current globe is probably the way to go as if I ever find a crestworth globe with clear enough liquid then I might as well keep that than use it for repairs!

Ok, second question, I'm going to get a new globe for it, but the cap seems to be really well stuck on. Is there a safe way to remove it without damaging anything?



I found out that old crestworth fluid is nothing but distilled water + surfactant. you might wanne try that first. YOu can buy surfactant on the internet, do a search for goo kits on ebay us.

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