Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Check out the Rare Imperial 4 Foot Lava Lamp is on ebay this week !

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Oh, we've seen it. Very, very exciting!

Thanks Steve!

What a find you have here.  We're going to keep our eyes trained on it.  Hopefully a GooHead will get it.

Direct link to the Imperial on ebay


nice lamp, i thought these were called a princess! i must be thinking of some other lamp
Its verry simmler to a princess but it isent - the Princess was made by Cretsworth in the 70's and has liquid wax insted of solid and is more rare then the imperial.

krissyfromswindon said:
nice lamp, i thought these were called a princess! i must be thinking of some other lamp
I think this is the first time I've ever seen this 'holy grail' of American Lava lamps on Ebay.
It's a first for me, too. I've only been collecting for about a year though. :)
Ok Type imperial in the search box! Ther's a few in there.

I dont think it's a big deal. I think everyone should forget about it.


LOL. Nothing to see here people, keep moving along !!

Chow said:

I dont think it's a big deal. I think everyone should forget about it.


My good thats a beauty .. I really want such a big lamp.. But just thinking about the shipping costs to Denmark is giving me a headache.. !
how much do you think it will go for
Psychological warfare James.  I would think I could rule Chow out seeing as he is in Seattle, but the dude is a player. 

James Reiche said:

Chow said:

I dont think it's a big deal. I think everyone should forget about it.



Hey Chow,

Why are you hating on this lamp?

It looks pretty awesome to me.

The vessel looks like a giant Lunar bottle with the same great flow.

I would love to own it!


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