Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Hello everyone, I know many of you are on the hunt or know of someone on the hunt for replacement fiber optics for their Fantasia lamp. Look no further!! As you all may or may not know already. I am currently in the process of making replacement glass fiber optic sprays. These will be identical to the original Fantasia sprays. I am overwhelmed with pre-orders and will most likely have a supply and demand issue on my hands at first, so I will do my best to have enough on hand when I begin selling them to go around. The first sprays that will be rolling out will be for the Sunburst 4000 model, Cosmos 5000 model, Regency 4001 model. All previous model Fantasia lamps, Cuda etc will have replacements as I make them available. These I hope to have ready by early to mid summer.

The large fiber optic sprays that will first be available, will be available in two lengths. The first one being a 14" spray that when inserted will hang and display its ends about mid globe on a Sunburst 4000.
The second length spray will be 18" long and is generally seen on the Black Sunburst 4000 model "Egg Shape" But will fit the Chrome and gold model Sunburst 4000 model lamps also.

The Cosmos lamp will need a measurement specific spray tailored for a exact fit within the lamp, essentialy the 14" spray should fit with no problems however I would not mind some feedback on the length of the fiber optic spray from a Cosmos 5000 model. "Measure from the ferrule to the end tips of the fibers, I know multiple sprays were used on the Cosmos, some shorter than others, just reply to this discussion with the measurements, please and thank you! :-)

These fiber optic sprays are in no way easy to make and will be made by hand and not in a factory, the cost of materials, especially the glass fiber optics is a bit pricy, the work and the process that goes into getting a spray fully assembled from start to finish with a haircut takes a bit of time. The price tag on these sprays will be most likely in the neighborhood of $100-125 each, that will be determined when they are made available for sale. I am a quality person and will make the price tag worth it's cost. I know you all know these sprays are not available anywhere unless you purchase another lamp somewhere and snag it's spray for a replacement.

keep your eyes peeled on ebay for these sprays as this will be where I will be hosting them for sale first as where I also have many other Fantasia related replacement parts for sale, color wheels etc. I will also give a heads up to you all on here prior to me listing them on ebay. Reply to this thread to give me an idea of how many "goo members" alone I will be helping out with sprays. I look forward in helping many of you get your vintage Fantasia lamps back!!
As a heads up I WILL NOT be offering "Heat Formed" replacement sprays as the process in doing this is very involved and requires special techniques and equipment I do not have access to, perhaps down the road when the lighting business I am trying to get launched is successfully up and running.

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That's awesome! Very cool that someone is doing this. Thanks for posting - I'm sure you'll have some interest on this site!

I'm very interested.  So glad someone is supporting these incredible Fantasia lamps.  They are special and worth maintaining.  Thank you, and I look forward to doing business with you!

By the way, I just cleaned my first Centurion spray today using Kris' Windex method.  I sped it up a bit using a blow dryer.  Worked perfectly!  The truly black spray came out clean and white with the sweet smell of foot powder!  Thanks, Kris!!!  We're having a Fantasia light show at my house tonight -- Love Bug, Alpha, Comet, Firefly, and Centurion.  Can't wait and I'll take pictures!

I am very interested in the 18 inch for the 4000. I already have one of your colored wheels..

@kirk, I have expressed This Before, I am one for unique things and am very fond of quality as quality and uniqueness will give you many years of enjoyment and great conversation. With that being said Fantasia once upon a time had hit the nail on the head in both of those aspects, I truly admire them for that and would like to incorporate those vaues into my lighting business that I am bringing to the table in hopes of offering my customers Unique, Quality fiber optic lighting products. Buy it once was the values instilled in me growing up, so I am using that bit of quality advice and running with it!!

@Jack...I am pleased to hear that you had purchased one of my wheels, I hope it has been to your likeing and is bringing you some nice visual enjoyment. I have said this in the past and ill state it again. If there is ever any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask and by all means if you need any other quality replacement Fantasia parts, let me know. I will personally message you when I make the replacement sprays available for sale, Im hoping by the end of next month to have enough made to list them for sale.

Is the price range you gave represent the large sprays? I need a smaller spray for my Fantasia Omni.

I can make a smaller spray for the Omni, I have to locate a ferrule that will work. it will be a little bit cheaper but not by too much, perhaps $75.00 for a smaller spray. The cost of glass fiber optics is very expensive. Fantasia used specific diameter fiber exclusive to their lamps. Each time I have to order fiber it is a special order and is a special run and because of that I have to purchase in large quantitys. Aside from that they can be very time consuming to produce, but not impossible. I would have to ask what style would you be looking for? I will post two photos of two different styles I can do my best in replicating.

I would be interested in a spray just like the one in the 2nd photo, (the fuller spray)

These are simply awesome. If I lived closer to wherever you are, I'd offer to learn how to trim and then help out.

Hey, jmpenny,

I think that this undertaking of yours is just really fantastic.  It will give all of us a chance to enjoy our lamps.  I purchased a Sunburst 4000 from you last year, and already it needs a new spray.  I really love the longer 18" spray that looks just beautiful!  I want to put in my order for one of these.  I am so excited that this venture is working out for you and am very thankful that you have taken on this task.  As far as I know, there is no where to purchase another spray.  With your enterprise, I will always be able to keep my light looking beautiful.  Thank so much for your effort and please let me know when I may purchase one of your 18" sprays for my Sunburst 4000!

All the best of luck and greatest gratitude,


How soon! How soon!? Would love one for my Fantasia Firefly 1101 :-D

Once available, I would like to buy an 18" spray, as shown in your first photo above, for my Sunburst 4000. Please contact me.  Thank you!

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