So has anyone purchased or seen the 80 ounce royale lamp that lava lite released a couple months ago? I wanted to see a real picture of one. I tried looking it up but found that they have removed it from their website, and also the video on their YouTube chanel, and removed it from their size chart as well.? I know I wasn't imagining it!? So strange!
Views: 1129
I just ordered one! I was very curious about this lamp as well, so I decided to just go for it. Hopefully it arrives in decent condition! I should be getting it on Wednesday
It always seems like Amazon lamp purchases have the most trouble. It sucks spencer's doesn't have them, they are usually good with online lamp orders. Best of luck with your return or waiting on it to clear up.
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The Lamp Caretaker |
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Arne |
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LampHead |
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Jump Energy MAN |
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Twinkiebabie |
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Todd |
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Steve |
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Cameron Hill |
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