Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My yellow lava lamp has an excessive amount of rust in the bottom of the base.  Any recommendations for how to clean this?  


Thank you.

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Yes it has somewhat.  Looks worse on the inside.  The lamp still works great, but doesn't seem to get hot enough to get the lava flowing very well.  I thought maybe cleaning the rust would make it hotter?

Bohdan said:
Has it gone thru to the other bottom side?

Thank you, I will try those ideas.  What about my other lava lamp that gets TOO hot?  :)  It has a slightly different design with a 40W bulb.  I can post a pic if that would help.  


What I end up doing is swapping them over every 10 minutes or so, that way the one that is too hot will cool off and the other one will flow.  :)

Bohdan said:

Once a 40w bulb is installed you may have to adjust the socket closer to the globe to the point were it almost makes contact but does not. The socket may also be loose on the bracket that can be bent up some what. At this point I would just leave the rust alone since has gone thru part of the botom plate. Also the bulb will work better if centered in the base. This will have more direct light and heat instead of it being on the outer rim part of the globe.

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