Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

School me on redoing a grande with existing wax and normal supplies

Okay, it's quite simple, I want to redo one of my shitty new grande custom bottles that look like pea soup.

I will be using the wax that came with the grande as both bottles are litterally brand new. One bottle has a week of runs on it.

School me on the ways of the jedi, however, I want to redo with basic available supplies that I can get locally, I'm not ordering anything online etc.

I have read several threads that talking about pickling salt, fog juice, distilled water, surf etc etc. Not all in one cocktail but across different posts etc.

I have an entire bottle of surf that came with a goo kit, so that I have. I picked up a bag of pickling salt simply cause it was $2 at walmart.

I am ready to give this a go and for shits and giggles I picked up a 2" flexible pipe cap from home depot to maybe use a cap instead of the metal cap and plug. I am sure with a little lube (LOL) and finesse I can get it to fit snuggly.

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kero48 said:

Magoo: I wouldn't exactly say that I have many feed stores on Long Island near the city hahaha. Anyway, I just might order some in the next week or so. I am running the new bottle for a week like the original bottle to see what happens.

it's a damn shame as both bottles, the flow is pretty darn good, when you are ultra close up ugh.

Keith, will check out the link. Oh, with regards to the pipe cap, it's almost the same exact width as the metal cap that holes the rubber plug in. Just a smidgen less wide. I am sure with a little oil or something else slippery it can slip right over then fasten the hose clamp. However If I can get these or one of the two working, I'll redo the cap properly.

I never have any luck with salt

It always clouded the water

even when it was boiled to be dissolved properly

Keith, interesting there is a place in hicksville not to far from me as I am in that area on weekends. I will call them tomorrow and see if they have it.

Claude, did you try pickling salt as opposed to other salts? I read somewhere it's specifically used in canning not to cloud liquids.

The questions is: did you get a lamp to flow right despite the cloudy fluid?

So I called several animal feed places in my area, no one carries it and or knows what it is.

So, I will simply order from tractor supply and have it shipped even though I despise doing that.

I am still working with desnise at LL so until that is complete I am not touching the two bottles I have. I am running the better of the two to be able to see something which is not much lol.

so decided to empty the worse of the two bottles. the new caps are on not perfectly so i tore a small flap up that goes close to the top. can it still be used? i would imagine once cemented it would be fine but would like opinions.

also rinsed out the bottle 4 times. did not remove wax. looks pretty clean an top of wax looks cleaner. no more white stuff all over it.

new bottle quality is pretty darn good.

Also, the 2" flexible cap is to small, the 3" night work as the widest part of the glass top is 3"

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