Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well, I started to heat the wax with no liquid in the globe to deal with the problem of the dreaded goose egg. In doing so and in contemplating it I believe that heating the wax to the coil with no liquid also solves another problem and it seems to make sense scientifically in theory. I believe that by heating the wax to the coil for approximately 30 minutes or a little bit longer that it actually removes oxygenation in the wax. Now think about it, by heating just the wax and leaving the cap off you are exciting the wax compound. When oxygen gets mixed in your also exciting that. By exciting the oxygen molecules they move faster and break through the wax and escape out the top of the open globe. It also seems to have worked from visually assessing the globes afterwards so I thought I'd post this not only as a helper to all of you goo heads but to also see what your thoughts on the subject were.

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One thing to consider is many people confuse liquid bubbles with air bubbles. fluid gets trapped in the wax and creates a bubble, but notice when they "pop" they are liquid, not air. If indeed air was trapped in the wax it would float.
Ya, I don't mind the bubbles at all, gives it some personality. I have an old 1971 green century that gets a bit carried away however, it is a mass of big bubbles, and that is not so enjoyable.
good call, I will swap it out with another and see if it helps, thanks a lot!
I guess some bubbles aren't really all that bad it's just a matter of preference when it really comes down to it.

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