Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Something is coming out of my homemade lava into the water. Air bubbles in the lava.

I"m making a lava lamp using wax and perc.  The wax is a creamy variety made by Yaley.  I colored the wax with Yaley concentrated candle wax.  Every once in a while I see what looks like a puff of smoke come out of the lava.  It breaks up before returning to the bottom of the globe.  I stuck a glass rod in the liquid and moved it through the stuff that came out of the lava and it broke up as if it weren't solid at all.  Does anybody know what this is?  I'm wondering if the color is coming out of the wax.  When the lamp is cold, the water is crystal clear.  It doesn't yet appear to be hurting my attempt at this lamp but I wonder if there will be any long term effects from it.


Also, I have been adding salt water to balance the lamp using an eyedropper so as to not perturb the wax too much.  Even though I've been gentle with the application I see some air bubbles in the wax.  Will these bubbles work themselves out?


Thanks for taking a look at the post.  I hope there's a simple answer to the questions I've put out here.

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