Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello family,

I just got a squiggle aristocrat. It has a 50watt reflector bulb in it and it seems that it’s too hot of a bulb to use with this lamp. After an hour of flow, the goo turns into tons of small, round blobs. They float around like glitter in a glitter lamp at that point. Just trying to figure out if the bulb is too hot or if the master fluid is too heavy… I’ve had it on a dimmer and that seems to help a lot, but I find it slightly annoying that one would have to rely on a dimmer for a good flow. Anyway, just curious to see if anyone else with a squiggle has this issue. 

Thanks you wonderful people! 

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id say the bulb is to high, try a 40watt or 25watt

I think you’re right. Thanks for the advice! 

Johnny said:

id say the bulb is to high, try a 40watt or 25watt

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