Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So i’ve never done this before so i’m pretty clueless. Got this lamp for free off FB. Wax was separated so i removed the liquid and boiled the wax. Now it will flow relatively normally for a while but then sit stagnant in the middle barely moving after maybe 3 hours. Does this mean its losing temperature from the top?? Its summer in australia and the bulb is the correct wattage. Do i HAVE to get a higher wattage bulb with a dimmer? Wax also has a tonne of “air bubbles” and also looks like wax residue on the inside of the globe now. She is not the visual dream that she should be....how do i make this thing look better?!

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How did you refill? Add any surfactants back in with the liquid? What kind of water did you use? If it is the original wax still then you may just need to do a complete refresh with new wax.

It’s the original liquid, nothing added. This lamp also would have been inactive for many years. Could this be a matter of just needing to run it multiple times? Or could the wax just be done? :’(

Rocketman said:

How did you refill? Add any surfactants back in with the liquid? What kind of water did you use? If it is the original wax still then you may just need to do a complete refresh with new wax.

Why did you boil the wax?  The lamps contain certian fluids that cannot be manipulated. When you opened her up vapors were lost forever including when you boiled the wax.  That's a new one for me to hear.  There is no known way to get them to run again once they have been ruined usually due to someone leaving the lamp on too long the reason instructions say never to leave on for more than 6-8 hours a day otherwise they overheat and BAM - lost forever.  Best bet - buy another lamp for cheap and replace the spring-wax and fluid. Adding water rather it be distilled or new surfactant only makes things worse.  

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