Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Apparently Lava Lite has gone crazy with their shrink wrapped lamps. Although this one is pretty tempting to buy lol.


I saw others on amazon like south park, domo and cookie monster!!

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I did see that. I loved that show, back in the day. Might be passable if the flow was good! Huh huh huhuhuhuhuhuh. Yeah!
If they ever do an Angry Birds lamp, I'm screwed. LOL
LOL same here. angry birds will be the death of me i swear.

Who said angery birds - that would be amazing I would so fall for it.

I have to say that i have seen quite a fue china lamps with deacent bases recently - I would buy them just for the graphics on the bases, there is allways the goo kit option for the globe.

What would be cool is if Lava Lite allowed people to make their own lava lamp covers. But I'd get a angry birds one too for sure.
Yeah, I want a beavis and butthead lamp! And cant wait for the new episodes! Arent they supposed to air soonish?
I've been hearing that for a long time now. Maybe it's not happening?

Arne said:
Yeah, I want a beavis and butthead lamp! And cant wait for the new episodes! Arent they supposed to air soonish?
You know that's a good question, I remember hearing about this at the beginning of the year and haven't heard anything else since then.
there is a trailer I've seen, they look like back in the day. I think october or november was air date...
well if that's the case I'm stoked! Maybe they can say fire now FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!
MMMMMOOOOORE FIRE! I'll try to find out and let you know, cant wait myself!
Winger lives !!

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