Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Okay, I couldn't resist. I don't know why nobody else bid on it. Do you all know something that I don't? It was SO CHEAP! I've never seen one like it. It's white plastic. I got it off of eBay for $5.99.

Does anybody know anything about it? French? German? Italian? Just paid for it, so it hasn't arrived yet. I put the eBay url below the pics.


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I've collected photos of Continental glitters for a long time, and this one is a first. It's quite cute.

Do you refill ones that are missing liquid? If so, with what? The best cheap US-available fill I've seen is in the Link'd and/or plain silver Hot Rock glitters: big, fast-moving silver squares like a GemLite. Would love to find another Hot Rock glitter bottle or two, all I ever find are the yellow/blue lavas. The Link'd dark blue is nice, too, and with repeated use it will turn (and then stay) a beautiful royal purple.
Believe it or not, I've found several Fantasia globes, without the lamps, at thrift stores really cheap and I've been using them.

I've never seen a Hot Rock glitter lamp. I have one Link'd which I was just about to put up on eBay (I have too many lamps) and when I plugged it in and starting taking pictures, I couldn't sell it. It's the clear one. It really is so beautiful. For a "cheesy" lamp, the glitter and flow are amazing and I really do love the design of the lamp itself.

I was REALLY SURPRISED that nobody bid on the cute little Continental glitter. I threw in a $15 snipe bid (I'm broke, so I can't pay the prices I used to) and honestly didn't think I'd get it. I was floored when I got it for the opening bid of $5.99. Sometimes you get great deals on eBay. Sometimes things that are common go for ridiculously high prices. It always astounds me.

Some day, I would love to see your collection of Continental glitter photos. You should put them up on Oozing Goo and share them with the world. You have the most knowledge of the various lamps (lava and glitter) that I've ever met. I don't know how you keep all that info in your brain.
Such a rare looking lamp. I think it's French.
Bryin, if you find any other Fantasia bottles, that you'd sell or trade, I'd love to try to make a globe holder and a top cover for my Cosmic Window case and make it complete. It was just a case when I got it, and I got it because the sticker on the bottom warning about the Perc contents told me it had one been a really neat glitter lamp.
I got this one today. It's A LOT BIGGER than I thought it was going to be and the glitter is so fine it's like dust. It looks like stars in a red sky. I've never seen anything like it. I'll fire it up and try to get some pics for everyone later tonight or tomorrow.

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