Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I am looking at getting this lava lamp online but I don't know the brand and the seller isn't a hobbyist.

Anyone recognize this brand of lava lamp? Thanks!

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Found this online. Hope it may help you. Looks like a Carlisle according to a website called: www.hippielight.com

Yep, that's a Carlisle. Per our Lava Library: http://oozinggoo.ning.com/page/carlisle

Thank for the quick answers.

The Carlisle is a classic 1970s Lava Lite. If the price is right for you, grab it and love it. This and the kinda-sorta sister models Saturna and Aladdins Lamp use a 40-watt, intermediate base (aka "hi-intensity") bulb, and the lava should flow nicely. If you tilt the globe and look up inside the cap, there will probably be a date sticker.

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