Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Wanted: Crestworth Galaxy fibre optic lamp and a Mathmos Jupiter II fibre optic lamp.

Hi all.
I'm new to this site. I'm searching for a Crestworth Galaxy fibre optic lamp and a Mathmos Jupiter II fibre optic lamp. If you happen to have one in good condition you would be willing to sell please let me know. I'm based in the UK, near Wrexham, North Wales. Thanks for your time.
All the best,

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How much are you looking to spend?

I'm very new to this world of lava lamps fibre optics etc... but going on prices from completed eBay auctions from the past few months I am thinking of somewhere between £100-£200 for a Galaxy. I don't know what prices Jupiter 2's sell for though as there havent been any on eBay??

Get in touch if you have either you would like to sell.

Thanks for your time.

Hi, I have a galaxy on ebay at the moment if you're interested.

I live in Leeds so not too far to travel.


Thanks Wazzer but I found a galaxy and a few other fibre optics besides. In 2013 my fibre optic obsession really took hold!


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