Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Here's the deal...... I plan to do a repour, using a new formula (08) lamp. The bottle that I will be pouring into has a very small mouth. I would feel much more confident about this whole thing if I could use a funnel, but I know that a reguar funnel would be a recipe for disaster.
I realize that the new wax is much more sticky/oily/yucky than the old and would clog up the funnel.
Is there anything that I could coat the funnel with so the wax would not stick and the coating residue would not damage the finished product?
Cooking oil?
Cooking spray?
Love lube?
Motion lotion?
(Ok, I'm kidding about the last two.....sort of....)
If anyone has any ideas PLEASE share!

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Not really. Anything you add will mess up the mix. The only think I can think of is heating up the funnel as hot as you can. That way the wax won't cool and harden as it goes through. There might be some residual, but nothing you can't tap off. You would have to pour fast. That coupled with the fact that the wax is already hot, things should keep flowing ok. The hot wax will melt any cool wax.

Keep something to poke through the funnel while you pour just in case.

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