Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Where can I find a Grande (any colour combination) Lamp in Australia or somewhere that ships to Australia?

I am disparately seeking a Grande Lava Lamp! Unfortunately, everywhere I have looked does not ship to Australia and I am having great difficulty finding somewhere in Australia that stocks them. Given how hard they are to get here, I would be happy with any colour combination.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

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Its OK. I found them.
hi there, where did you find the grandes? Do you know what colours they come in and if they ship interstate? (I'm in Adelaide...)
Cheers Rod
You wont believe this, but I flew to Adelaide to get mine... And it was the last one :( I got it from South Coast Lighting in Marion. I questioned the woman about them and she said they weren't getting anymore in.
I do however know where there is a stock pile of them in Queensland. Lighting Illusions sell the grande's and at the moment they have blue and yellow ones.
The MacGregor store has them for $150 (I just bough another one for my partner!) and their phone number is 07 38491700.
I just looked and there doesnt appear to be Lighting Illusions stores in Adelaide.... Maybe call the MacGregor store and see if they can ship to you? Otherwise you and I might be able to work something out i.e. purchase and post if you really really want one.

Hey KatPhish, thanks for all the valuable info on locating a grande - I can't believe you got one in Adelaide and that you flew here for it! Now that's serious lava dedication - respect! So what colour way did you score from South Coast Lighting, and is it running and flowing ok with no "cloudyness"? From what people are saying here it sounds like a decent Grande may pretty much be a thing of the past so I hope yours is a good one... If that Queensland stock is older models I'm down for one for sure. Can you report on how good your blue/yellow one is?

Thanks again - love your work!
Hi Reszound, I picked up a blue/yellow grande from South Coast and it is crystal clear. I even checked it into checked baggage through Virgin and there was no cloudyness whatsoever, even after the 2 1/2 hour flight. The flow of my grande is delicious after about 3 hours... I am so impressed with it! I've heard the complaints from people in here about the grande's too and I was willing to go with it, but so far I have had absolutely no problems with it.
I don't, however, have the other one from Lighting Illusions in Brisbane yet, as they were moving it from another store. My partner is picking it up tomorrow so we'll fire it up at some stage over the weekend and I will let you know. If its anything like my one, it should be clear and working really well. If that is the case, would you be interested in purchasing one?
When I was trying to find a way to get my one back from Adelaide, I did a check on the Aus Post website to see how much postage would be. I was looking at about $30 from Adelaide to Bris by regular post and $80 for express. The thing is, how much do you trust Australia Post... there is also the issue of insurance and the fragility of the lamp.
I'll keep you posted on the lamp from Lighting Illusions in Brisbane.

Thanks for the update - great to hear you scored a good one and that it survived the trip unscathed! If your Queensland lamp is a winner then I'd definitely be down for one - I reckon I'll try to get it couriered though, Aus Post lost an inch of fluid on the last lamp I got off ebay despite a great packing job from the seller so I'd rather not trust them with it if i can help it...

I should probably see if there are any more floating around town too just in case you didn't score the last one hey!

Look forward to hearing how your partners lamp turns out,
Cheers Rod
try using google I typed in lava lamp+australia and there's a bunch different lava lamp sites
You'll be pleased to know that my partners grande is cloud free... its a beautiful deep blue colour.
Aparently there are more at that store, so get in quick!!!


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