Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

WTB: redwax /yellow liquid bottle in the UK (not baby or telstar!)

Hi everyone

I used to have a US Lava Lite, with a gold-toned base, red wax and yellow liquid.  When I came to the UK, I tried to have in converted with UK electricals to no avail, and I've now lost track of its whereabouts.

I have just discovered this site and its team of experts, and I hope you can help me.  I am looking to "duplicate" my old Lava Lamp here in the UK, and the Mathmos "Astro" is the closest design I have seen, although it's significantly bigger than my old one.

Although I have seen that in Mathmos's current offer there are red/yellow variations of the AstroBaby and Telstar models, it appears that the larger red/yellow Astro bottle has been discontinued.  I think a gold-toned base and cap would be easier to find, even if I have to get from Mathmos with another bottle.

Can anyone suggest where I might find a replacement bottle in that R/Y colour combination, either via Mathmos or others?  The custom lamps sounds great, but I fear they're USA only.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!


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