Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Yay luck! Second Giant and my last lava lamp I will buy evaaar!

Good Monday to all,

Nabbed this Giant off Ebay as some of you might have seen!

Felt bottom says 941123, assuming a '94 production year.

The condition is great and the cap is plastic unlike my other Giant... boo but I guess I own some history now. Wish me luck firing it up please!

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How is the Giant Emil? That stuff I call spiderwebs should be less prominent when the lamp is nice and hot, but there isn't much you can do about getting rid of it I don't think! If you ever need to sell this because the wife, I might be down to buy it in the future.

So far not too bad, still cycling it. My red Giant went through the same blob process. 

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