Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Just saw another sunburst go for nearly $350.  Someone was willing to pay almost anything to get one.  A little rich for me...I did bid on it, but in the mid 200's.  Everything that has sold in the last couple of months (with one exception for $18) has been out of my range for the quality.

I do hope that we are not bidding against each other on this list.   I'm willing to back off an auction if I know somebody really wants something (and hope they return the favor sometime).

As for me, I just want a couple of really nice lamps to put around the house and a few junk ones to experiment upon.

What do y'all want?


Views: 178

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Sooo, no interested in coordinataing activities?

Well, I hope you got the lamp you wanted Kris. I didn't bid on it since we talked.




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