Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Fully enclosed neon display, Measures approx. 2'x1'. Could use a little paint touch up but pretty shiny otherwise, nice and gassy!
Was a Camel man myself, consider it advertising for the enemy! ;)

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Comment by VOXul on September 9, 2014 at 8:42pm

Thank you! We have always kept them in my man cave office zone of the house, It has a permanent blended smell of all the scents from the past, haha.

All the materials did jump up in price for sure, you have to use quality materials for a quality result, self trim cotton wick the glass and raw wax, nevermind if you want to be organic and all natural with your fragrances and dyes!

Comment by Carol on September 3, 2014 at 7:23pm

OMG GET OUT!!!!  They look amazing!!!  I was buying hand made soy wax candles for awhile.  The lady has the same problem getting her soy wax.  They keep upping the price on here.  That and the cost of the jars and wicks because she uses all cotton. Almost doesn't pay ya to make um anymore.  She said they weren't as sooty as the yankee, but I don't know if she is making them right because if I don't keep my wicks trimmed super short they throw a butt ton of soot.  My Root candles are soy and don't throw soot but are VERY expensive.  Then the Little House are made by decendents of the Ingalls Family from the Little House on The Prairie days.  You may be too young to remember that show.  True storys of the family's pioneer days.  Anyway, that is a blend, but they use bees wax.  Man those things are sticky as all get out, but they last forever.  Just don't put one of their tarts in the burner.  Sticks to it!!! 

Comment by VOXul on September 3, 2014 at 7:12pm

That would definitely be a bad idea to pick one up and gain a new habit. A weening/quit device sure, but if you are in the clear, stay there. Right now I have two mods that I rotate, digital ProVari and mechanical King, I will probably stop at those. I have a couple older digitals that I could sell, maybe a lamps worth of monay.

My wife used to make crystalline palm wax jar candles!  The things smell delicious, made with steam refined palm wax, they burn much longer than paraffin and less sooty. These things run on two wicks too! She has stopped making them recently as palm prices skyrocketed for responsibly sustained wax. There are very few that remain now but the other day said she might melt down the last raw wax bag this winter and make a few cases. Some pictures of one below

Comment by Carol on September 3, 2014 at 6:39pm

Wow Vox, that would sooo be me.  Some of those mods I see when I go in our local smoke shop for my butane (I have those long, huge lighters for my jar candles), are cool!!!  I almost wanna buy them just because.  I don't vape, nor do I need to pick up another habit.  My co-worker at my old job kept trying to talk me into one.  I'm like I don't smoke cigs so why would I start a vape habit?  My other habit is candles.  Smelly ones.  OMG, I literally have well over 100 of them.  I can't burn them up quick enough.  Yankee and Little House are my favs.  So hubbie is like, "so, you traded your candle obsession for the lamps"?  I'm like naaaa, i'm still doing both"!!!  Haaa!!!  Hey, I don't drink, smoke, so my vices are my lamps and my candles. 


Keep up the good work Vox!!!  Once you get off the vapes you can sell your mods on ebay!!!

Comment by VOXul on September 3, 2014 at 10:23am

I will eventually be off the stuff.  Most definitely buying American made juices, actually locally made and he is trying to go full organic with his ingredients.   The one problem I am running into is becoming a collector of the mods... Genuine mods are not cheap. Not as obsessive with them though, when compared to lavas and snazzy lights.

Comment by Joseph White on September 3, 2014 at 10:18am

exactly carol. One day at a time dude. I was smoking for 6 yaers 2 packs per day of the cowboy killers, quit for 8 months, picked it up again and quit again. It can be done, just once you stop, never go back to the death sticks.

IMO (from my nursing experience), ecigs and vapes are WAYYY less dangerous than cigs (as long as you get american made stuff and not the Chinese stuff). I know I still chew the gum once in a while, and I do have a low dose nicotine blu.

Comment by Carol on September 3, 2014 at 7:02am

You'll get there Vox, one day at a time, one day at a time!!!

Comment by Joseph White on September 3, 2014 at 1:36am

Quitting smoking now greatly increases your lava lamp fund. I guarantee it, or your money back

Comment by VOXul on September 2, 2014 at 9:45pm

Agreed. They bite and hold on. I am slowly dropping my vapor to 0mg, started at 18 and since dropped to 12. Mind you I have been vaping for almost 2 years but...

Comment by Carol on September 2, 2014 at 9:26pm

It's tough quitting....been there, done that.......one of the toughest vices I had to quit.....


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