Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Scored this globe on ebay for $6. :D I really didn't think I would like it very much...I'm not a huge pink fan...but I love this globe way more than I expected to. It's really vivid! Not quite as vivid as a purple/yellow, but close! This was also NOS, so I got to break it in!

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Comment by Critter on January 13, 2015 at 11:25am
Well i am glad you like it. I love pink fluid bottles. That's why I tried pink recently in the Princess. Pink just picked up too much copper color from the metal on that lamp, in the end it looked better green. If I see more pink or orange bottles I will give you a heads up.
Comment by Loren on January 13, 2015 at 10:44am

#5 is my favorite color combo. :) I have 2 of those, and am looking for more.

And I have been looking and looking at #4 globes...I really do not think that this is a pink/white. I think it's a pink/pink. It looks just like the other pink/pinks, and none of the pink/whites I've seen when cold. The flash was really close to the wax in the picture I took, but when it's further away the wax looks much darker. Again, I could be wrong, but at this point I would be very surprised if there was a #4 with pinker wax in it. My #5's both have orangey wax in them, but if you tilt the globes like I did with the #4 in the picture, the wax looks true white when it's not covered in orange liquid.

Of course the p/p is rarer, but the p/w is probably prettier. I still hope it's a p/p though, because then I wouldn't have to worry about finding another one. :p The next #4 I got would probably be a true p/w.

Comment by Critter on January 13, 2015 at 7:42am
Kirk is right the orange white is awesome too. Really all the white wax combos are nice, it is hard to beat a white wax in a colored fluid.....very pretty every time.
Comment by Kirk on January 13, 2015 at 6:32am

Yup. Love the pink/white, but the orange/white is also a standout!

Congrats on the deal.

Comment by Critter on January 13, 2015 at 5:52am
Loren. I like that bottle too. In your pics of it spiking it looks just like my 32 and 52 oz pink white. Now my pink pink is a silver century version and the wax is so dark that it reminds me of my Mathmos blue blue it is very hard to see the wax when it runs. If your 32 us a pink pink. I gotta find one that bottle looks really nice.
Comment by Loren on January 12, 2015 at 9:16pm

Okay then! I know I love it a lot, either way!.

Comment by Critter on January 12, 2015 at 9:12pm
Loren. I have three pink whites and one pink pink and the pink pink....the wax and fluid appear the same color when I hold the globe as you are. If that is a pink pink it has the lightest pink wax I have seen in one and I bet I would look great. In the pics flowing it looks just like my pink white. The white wax does get off color it is not pure white.
Comment by Loren on January 12, 2015 at 8:48pm

Okay...if this picture (posted by Jim) is of a pink/white...

...Then I think what I have is a pink/pink. I tilted the globe so that part of it could be seen with no pink fluid on it:

I have a #5 that has been run more than my other #5, and you can see more dye in the wax on it. But considering this globe was new, I don't think this wax has pink dye leached into it.

Comment by Critter on January 12, 2015 at 8:08pm
Loren the pink pink has a wax and fluid color so matching that it is kind of hard to tell the two components apart. The Pink white ends up having a nice color change along the length of the flowing wax. It will almost appear orange near the coil and fade into a lovely pink as it rises. It is a stunner.
Comment by Critter on January 12, 2015 at 8:05pm
That is definitely a pink and white.


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