Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Here's hoping this hot mess clears up - super cloudy! Good flow though.

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Comment by Erin on March 5, 2014 at 8:32am

Nope, it sure didn't. I screwed it up royally and ended up dumping the whole thing and selling it for parts. I think. But no, I wasn't able to fix this one. 

I have had success replacing the liquid on other lamps. I wrote a thread on it here: http://oozinggoo.ning.com/forum/topics/lava-soup-replacing-the-liquid

It's easier than you think. The only problem I suffer from occasionally is wax stuck around the very top... just a little bit. 

Comment by ChuckM on March 4, 2014 at 10:33pm
Hey Erin, did this mess ever clear up? I just bought a 1974 Century on ebay that looks a lot like this. It might be a bit more clear, but the flow looks great to me. I gookitted my 1996 midnight 32oz (the lava had lots of bubbles)... and I did the same with a 1975 Carlisle that had good flow but was a little boring color-wise. I would like to try to preserve this Century, but would ultimately dump the globe if I cannot get it clear. Have you had success replacing the liquid? I recall the Carlisle smelled like gasoline when I dumped it so I can't imagine it is easy to replace the liquid!


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